Climate Change and Disaster Management Toolkit

Enabling owners to assess the risks and vulnerabilities of their assets to climate change, and to develop strategies and procedures to make their infrastructure more resilient.

The Climate Change and Disaster Management Toolkit integrates traditional asset inventory and inspection data with new types of data including hazard mapping (such as flood events, landslips, fire hazards), climate projections and environmental data, to identify high-risk assets and to prioritise interventions to mitigate those risks. Where hazards are predicted, using increasingly sophisticated forecasting tools including asset sensors or external weather services, warnings are generated for asset owners for pre-event planning. When hazards do occur, then assets within the affected area can be earmarked for inspection and damage reporting. Remedial actions and impacts can be linked to individual events so that the true cost of the event can be recorded and used for future planning and prioritisation.

System Requirements:

Runs in any web browser

Current Challenges:

Working with Climate Resilience experts, this toolkit addresses three key challenges for Asset Managers: data, people and technology.

Data Challenges:

  • Risks not fully or systematically captured and assessed
  • Climate risk and vulnerability data not easily accessible to asset owners
  • Early warning events not stored
  • Hazard events not captured
  • Hazard costs and impacts not recorded
  • Design parameters for existing assets not available for analysis

Technology Challenges:

  • Sensor data difficult to incorporate
  • External data services not integrated

People Challenges:

  • Roles and responsibilities not clear
  • Current early warning systems rely on human processes and can break down during hazard events

Addressing the Challenges:

iROADS helps you to address challenges faces by modern Asset Managers. It does this by:

  • Integrated asset data – pavements, geotechnical, drainage, IT assets – to fully explore and analyse relationships between assets
  • Integrated hazard mapping (flood events, landslips etc.) as part of vulnerability assessment toolkit
  • Easy access to climate projection models to identify which areas and assets are most vulnerable to climate change
  • Spatial interface for inclusion of planning and design parameters and model assumptions on infrastructure through BIM Models
  • Incorporation of asset sensor data to early warning services to asset managers and inspectors
  • Integration of external weather data to early warning services
  • Integration of earth movement data from satellite
  • Scheduling of damage inspections for assets in affected areas
  • Linking of damage reports and remedial actions to weather or hazard events to capture costs of asset repair and replacement
  • Record of traffic congestion and traffic events during the hazard to capture the true costs of hazard events

Other iROADS Modules